Thursday, July 11, 2013

Abby: Mom's strong perfume puts household in funk

DEAR ABBY: My problem is my mother-in-law and her abundant use of perfume. The last time she visited, it was so bad we had to open our windows to air out the rooms.

My husband addressed the problem with her when I was pregnant, but now that the baby is here she's back to her old habits.

We are all sensitive to perfumes and get headaches when exposed to it. When she visits, we can't get away from the smell. I don't wear perfume, but was always told that "perfume is to be discovered, never announced." When I say this around her, she dismisses it.

What's the proper etiquette in addressing her perfume cloud? -- The Nose Knows

DEAR NOSE: I receive complaints about perfumes almost daily. Perfume "in abundance" can cause serious allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to it. And when they are exposed to it in enclosed places, it can cause real problems.

Your mother-in-law should be reminded again that her perfume is causing headaches and asked to not use it around you.

DEAR ABBY: I have a son, "Billy," who will be 9 soon. He was conceived through rape by a man who was physically, emotionally and sexually abusive, as well as controlling and manipulative. He threatened to kill me and Billy, but I eventually got free. I have a criminal no-contact order on him, and he has no legal rights to Billy.

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