Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Neil and John in 'The Key' Go Head to Head With Justin Bieber

There's funny. And there's funny. And then there's WTF?!

Welcome to the world of Neil & John -- they being Neil Hopkins of LOST fame, and John Forest of Young Adult fame. They're weird. They're wacky. They're popular onFunnyOrDie.com and their own site and their YouTube channel. And their new epic short ("epic short"?) will -- trust me: will -- leave a mark on your mind.

"Neil & John in: The Key" represents the newest episode of Neil & John. This one's got industry folks talking and sharing, in a way I haven't seen since some Colorado yokels called Trey & Matt long ago let slip a few VHS dubs of "The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus Vs. Santa)" -- thus launching a modest little TV series called South Park.

As with all good secrets (this short is in fact a goof on The Secret), the spiritual awakening of "The Key" lies in the experience itself -- not in some journalist telling you about it -- thus find it here for your viewing pleasure:

Neil & John: THE KEY

In a shocking act of lame-o copycatting, it seems rather suspicious that some kid named Justin Bieber (?) has made a desperate attempt to ride on the coattails of "Neil & John in: The Key" with his own sad little product (a perfume or something) -- also called "The Key." This Bieber kid, whomever he is (scouring the Web suggests that he's a minor player in the perfume business), even rushed into production on some sort of commercial -- pardon: "short film" -- also called (you guessed it) "The Key." Bieber's perfume even has its own smartphone app, because obviously a perfume needs a smartphone app. Google it if you want. Or actually, don't; for Bieber's "The Key" withers in contrast to "Neil & John in: The Key."

Full Article

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