Saturday, May 28, 2011

Salvador Dali Colorful Fragrance

Few years ago, I visited the Salvador Dali Museum St. Petersburg, Florida, of course the art was nothing short of the work of genius like this notable Spanish painter. We all know about the melting clock, but another thing of his melted my the store of the museum, they have a collection of fragrances that were either introduced by Dali or inspired by his work.

Yes, they had both women and men stuff and I tested what they had and in instant, I was a fan of his collocation of both fresh and spicy. I headed out and started a search to buy his collection of fragrance and I bought 4 of them, one include the ocean secret.

The most iconic bottle is the one I posted a picture of above, the kissing lips, and this is the spice one that I know many males abroad will appreciate as well as many men here. But I am more into the fresh and the ocean smell. I am guessing the spice scent it meant for hotter places. The Dali mix black does wonders and it's one of those scents that are heard to miss, so you get your attention if you are looking for it.

Again, if you get a change to find these in a local store, please do and try them for yourself, if not, then search online, there are plenty of options. I did in more than one occasion found them in those little shops in the mall, but to see the collection you must look online. I know this one smell that I did not regret converting too.

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