Friday, July 12, 2013

Question: Can I counsel an employee about wearing strong perfume in the office?

You have the following options when dealing with fragrance sensitivity: (1) Remove the fragrance to the extent you can; (2) Remove the employee with the concerns from the area (telework, work in a private office or different department, etc); or (3) Reduce the employee’s exposure to the fragrance.

Practically speaking, here is what we recommend: Definitely talk with the employee using the strong perfume. The employee may not even realize the effect the scent is having on others. Use a tactful approach to explain to your employee wearing the perfume that fragrances can cause allergic reactions to many people, which can either be minor productivity issues (like headaches) or more major safety concerns (like sickness and lost time from work). And you personally have noticed this employee’s scent and have received complaints that it is bothering other people. In the interests of your workplace harmony, productivity, and safety, you will have to respectfully ask him/her to not wear it to work. You could also let him/her know that you are not singling him/her out but will also address the issue with others as needed.

Keep on mind, some individuals might believe that this is a disability issue under the ADA.

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